Life, Success, Relationships and Society

Even though our lives are unpredictable,  we all live keeping one certain outcome in mind – Death. No matter what we do, how famous we are, how wealthy we are, death is inevitable. So why do we struggle everyday to be alive? Why are we so miserable most of the time? Why do we hate our lives? Blame the society.

It’s the society that pushes us into doing things that we don’t want to do. Think about it. If you’re happy living alone, why do you feel the need to find a girlfriend/boyfriend and get married? If you’re happy managing your own small business and make enough money to pay the bills, why do you feel the need to get a corporate job? If you already have enough knowledge to make your dreams come true, why would you waste years mastering a subject that you’ll never use?  It’s because there’s always a risk involved. First reason being, low self-esteem. You are afraid of what others think. You are afraid of being humiliated. You want to be NORMAL, like everyone else and blend in. It’s the SOCIETY that pushes us into this circle of a comfort zone where it needs to be assured that everything’s gonna be OK.

So what if your parents don’t want you to be a writer or follow a career in art. Should you do as they say and get a “real” job, get married, have children and act like you’re happy, while you think about  your faded dreams, every day. Is this life really worth giving up your dreams? You do have a choice in this, because when it comes to making the decision, the question you need to ask is what are you – Are you a FOLLOWER? Or are you a LEADER?

I used to follow this social code. I tried to blend in. I found myself falling in love with a girl and spent a long time doing nothing but imagining how my life would be in the future. My productivity level went so low, I even began to forget about my life long dreams and goals because I was slowly getting into that comfort zone. Until she forced me to end things after I caught her cheating. This lead me in to another few weeks of desperation and sorrow. Then when I finally snapped out of it, I realized how stupid I was to give up on my dreams for this thing called “love” which is often over exaggerated these days and the mirage of a life “happily ever after”.

Sure, at some point in our lives, we have to settle down and start a family.  Otherwise, we will be missing the whole point of “life”. It’s one of the challenges a person has to face in life. But, we shouldn’t let others (SOCIETY) make this decision for us. First, we should give priority to our own life, dreams, goals and happiness, everything else can be deal with later, when time comes.


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Blogger/Web Designer. Co-founder at and founder at

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