Typing vs. Writing

“According to a British survey of 2,000 people, one in three respondents had not written anything by hand in the previous six months. On average they had not put pen to paper in the previous 41 days.”

That’s an excerpt from an article I recently read on The Guardian which detailed the hard truth about the ever-growing tech addiction among people around the world. Take a moment and think really hard, when was the last time you actually write something on a piece of paper?

To be honest, even I can’t remember the last time I picked up a pen. And I feel ashamed of myself for that. Because I used to love writing. Back when I was in high-school, I used to write short stories and really long essays. Now, I can’t bear to write down a few words on a paper.

Sure, some people thinks that switching to digital-mode is a good thing. And yes, typing can save a lot of time and effort than writing stuff down, but at what cost?

In Write It Down, Make It Happen, author Henriette Anne Klauser says that “Writing triggers the RAS, which in turn sends a signal to the cerebral cortex: ‘Wake up! Pay attention! Don’t miss this detail!’ Once you write down a goal, your brain will be working overtime to see you get it, and will alert you to the signs and signals that […] were there all along.” via Lifehacker

According to many studies, it has found that jotting down things on a notepad can actually help us remember things better, clear out our mind, relieve stress and also help learn more efficiently than just typing or copy + pasting excerpts. Actually, I myself found this to be effective. I used to write down notes when taking online courses and it’s been very helpful to remember what I learned and also to go back refresh my memory about what I learned.

Next time, before you launch your To-Do list manager or digital note-taking app on your phone, try writing it down on a paper instead. Give it two weeks and see what happens. I’m going to do the same. I will try to at least write two paragraphs on a piece of paper every day.

I Ran a Facebook Ad Campaign, It Was Horrible

While I was trying out different ways to improve my website (freshinfos.com), I decided to give Facebook Ads a try.  I wanted to get more likes for the official Facebook page. Everyone was talking so many good things about FB ads and I thought, what the hell. But, I didn’t want to spend much on it so I went with a tiny $10 campaign.


At first I gave all $10 bucks on a one day campaign. Nothing happened. No clicks, no impressions.. nothing. Then I divided it and placed only $2 for each day. It worked, slowly I was starting to see some likes and impressions on the Facebook page of Fresh Infos. After 6 days I got 91 Likes, reaching 2,285 people. But, it wasn’t what I planned after all. Continue reading I Ran a Facebook Ad Campaign, It Was Horrible

Reading Challenge – 300 Articles Per Day

If you thought that I took a vacation during the server breakdown, you’re so wrong. During those days I have been busy challenging myself to improve my writing skills. My friend Ziera suggested that I should read more to improve my writing. She said that I should read 300 articles in one day to break my limits. Continue reading Reading Challenge – 300 Articles Per Day

Living in a Third World Country

It’s not such a bad thing to live in a third world country. I live in Sri Lanka. A beautiful tropical island in the Indian ocean. Most people mistakenly recognizes us as Indians,  we are not. Even though this place is not perfect, I just love it and I know there’s no place else like it.

Although, most of the time, people living in developed countries such as the U.S. and the UK always look down upon people like us, lowering us to nothing. They always doubt and think we are capable of nothing. There are some people who are so friendly and kind. In fact I do have a lot of friends from the US , UK and many other places around the world. Those guys always supports me. But, not everyone’s like that. Continue reading Living in a Third World Country