Achieving More by Gamifying Life

Recently, I started to hear this word “Gamification” everywhere on the web and how some people use it to make their lives easier and accomplish heavy tasks in a fun way. This got me curious so I did a little digging and found out that this thing called Gamification could actually work to do more with my life. And you know what, it really did.  But, before we jump into that, let me explain how it works.

Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics to improve productivity and engagement, according to Wikipedia. You can use it to complete jobs, projects and even drive your business to success with simple planning. For example, let’s say your boss just gave you a really hard project about the company growth and you must finish within a week. Let’s face it, this is just going to ruin your entire week.

Using gamification you can not only have fun doing it but you can also make the process really easy. It’s like this, you just divide the project into sections and make list of all the tasks. Then you add a little achievement reward for each, like completing a level in a video game. For instance, you can set up your first task to – Find bank account details of the company, and put down 100 points as a reward for yourself for completing this level. As you complete each task you will be nearing to finishing all levels and engage in the boss battle, just like in a video game except this time the boss will be real it’s probably best not to literally beat him. Well, I think you get my point.

It’s as easy as that. It may sounds pretty weird and funny, but it actually works. I’ve tried it to manage my work at my blog and to reach 5000 posts mark before the end of this month. And I did it. I published the 5000th post on my website yesterday, using gamification. I would have been much lazier to do it without Gamification and I believe it helped me achieve this goal faster and easier.

Now, I’m planing to use Gamification to also improve my business. I already made a list of accomplishments I need to make before hitting the boss level. It’s a  2-year game but I think I can make it, with help from Gamification of course.  So, I’m going to give it a shot.

What I’m trying to explain here is that if you’re having a hard time trying to manage work and complete reports or projects or even do school homework, you could use this method to make it a little fun and actually complete them without a hassle. Just try it for once, I’m 99% sure you’ll enjoy it as much as I did.

If you need to learn more about this thing called Gamification, try reading this article on LifeHacker and this one from folks at Buffer.