Money as a Motivator

If you ask any business owner how they became so successful, they will immediately respond with a long statement showing how they have a goal to serve people and provide a useful service. Sure, for a handful of wealthy businessmen who’s got no trouble earning money, it sounds like a great plan. But, it’s not really a great motivator for someone who’s desperate to earn their living. With dozens of bills to pay every month and managing your daily expenses, you can hardly find energy to stop and serve people. This is what I’ve been struggling with for months. How can I focus on creating something useful and great, while having to deal with my personal problems? That’s where the MONEY comes along.

A lot of people say that money is not a good motivator, but I disagree. Everything’s better when money’s involved. Think about it, why do people keep working for boring 9-5 jobs, even when they hate it? Because the need for a sum of money keeps them going on no matter what. Give them a raise and see what they’re actually capable of.

In the last couple of years, I learned that without motivation, you can’t survive life. You can live for Love, live for your family, or live for do good for the world, but honestly they never worked for me. I found Money to be the best motivator for me. Since I’m so hungry for it, I found myself launching my own business, coming up with ideas for new projects and ventures. I felt more energetic than ever.

The key here is to not lose your focus, because if you go too far and focus just on earning money, you will go no where. Instead, keep a balance of earning some cash and doing something you love. Blend them together, and Viola! you have the perfect money maker. Let me give you an example. Recently I started crafting website templates. Why? Because I love web design. Coding and designing websites actually became a hobby of mine. But I couldn’t afford to spend time having fun. So, I decided to turn this hobby into a business and sell my templates. I’m still working on my skills and crafting something awesome to sell, but I have a feeling that it’s gonna rake-in a lot of money so I’m really psyched with my work at the moment.

Sit back, relax and dig deep into your brain. Who knows, maybe you will come up with a great business idea as well.