Importance of Responsive Web Design – Infographic

Coding your website to look pretty on a desktop computer is not good enough. These days, most people prefer to browse the web via mobile devices. This is why it’s very important to make websites look great across smartphones and tablets with different sizes. That process is called Responsive Web Design.

This neat infographic designed by Verve sums up everything you need to know about Responsive website design and gives a short intro to how it helps improve web usability across multiple platforms.

A Few Changes

Blabbering about my boring life got a little bit boring. So, I decided to change my personal blog a little bit to make writing more fun and productive. From now on, I will be writing things about Twitter Bootstrap, Web development, UX Design, as well as things from my silly old life.

Web Design : Credit  -  deanoakley, on Flickr

I love Bootstrap and web design, as I’m in the process of further learning to master the incredible framework. I’m also learning a lot about User Experience Design and Web Usability to make awesome websites. Starting today, I will share some of the stuff I learn with you guys, right here on this blog.

And for non-techy folks, I also plan to write about social media, entrepreneurship, startup and other stuff related to daily life. Looks like I’ve got everyone covered. Keep an eye out for updates and follow the blog.

Change is GoodÂ